Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

I feel a little bad. My kids have never gone "real" trick or treating. Every year, we go to my parents ward. They do "Trunk or Treating" but they do it in the gym. So we don't have to be outside in the cold, we get to see all the candy they are getting and Winni takes them around! :)

I made Norma's Dorthy costume and I will say I will NEVER make a costume like this again! It was the most involved pattern I have ever made! Very cute, but I think the 30 bucks to buy one would have been worth it.
The boys wanted to be Bugs Bunny. Random, I know. They have a Wii game with the Acme charters and that's where they got it from. I tried for two weeks to talk them into being the Scarecrow and the Tinman. I thought it would be so cool! Not to a 7 and 6 year old though. So, Mario and Luigi they were again. I loved that they picked these costumes last year. It was so origanal! Not so much this year. Thadd was the only Luigi but there were at least 6 other Mario's when we went to the school parade. But it was good.
The kids had a great day! I got chili and they got to play with friends that they haven't seen since last year. They made some really good friends when we lived with my mom and dad, (so did I for that matter) and they had a blast. Norma got scared of someone right as we were getting ready to set up for trick or treating. She wouldn't let us put her down, she would scream when ever we tried and the death grip she had on our necks, you wouldn't think a 3 year old could hold on that tight! We never found out what she was scared of but once the candy came out she was better. :)

I asked Norma what her favorite costume that she saw was and she told us a Knight. Not until I was editting the pictures to put on here did I see him...

She is so cute! Well, I hope everyone had as much fun as we did! We love Halloween and we love that we are loaded down with candy and on our way home after only a half hour of trick or treating!


Bonnie said...

So cute! I love the costumes:)

Christen said...

Nice job on Norma's costume, very impressive! Congrats on another little girl - 2 of each, how perfect. Cute name, too. My grandma's name is (was) Kathryn and spelled just like that, too.