I love how excited Thadd gets! Tucker was just cold.
We rode all the way to the Clark Planetarium. They loved looking around at all the fun things they had. Tucker has been really into science lately and he just couldn't get enough! He wanted to read everything and Thadd just loves reading. Norma found the moon and Mars so we had to get some fun pictures with that.
All the kids on Mars.
Norma found a "big rock".
We watched the new movie there too, "Attack of the Space Pirates!" It was in the dome theater and it was cool. Nate and I both want to go back and see the "U2" movie but this was good. Norma got scared and ended up in bed with us that night but the boys loved it. We walked around the Gateway while we were waiting for our movie to start and we were able to walk right out of the movie back on to Trax's to go home. I hope it was a fun family day for the kids. It will be a long time til we go do something like that with the new baby.
I wish I had known about the Mars exhibition before I went to Salt Lake City by train from Carbondale, Colorado. It would of been a great addition to our trip. YOu may be interested in my website http://outdoorbaby.net
I what to go there so bad. We just need to find another kid to take there, lol. Maybe we can babysit Madalyns kid again.
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