Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New little Kate things

Kate is growing up way to fast! She is starting to do so many new things. Tonight she learned to splash in the tub. If I hadn't needed to use two hands to hold her I would have gotten pictures. She got me so wet. :) She talks all the time now. I think she likes the sound of her own voice. She holds her bottle most of the time. She plays with her toys more and doesn't mind tummy time so much any more either. In fact just yesterday she rolled over and over again til she got to me! She is way to smart already. She has to have a blanket over her face when she sleeps. She has started to laugh! It is so cute! She laughed the first time at Norma. All Norma did was look at her and she started to laugh. I asked Norma what she had done to make her laugh and she said, "I just made my mean face at her." I'm hoping to get video of her laughing and of her mouth noises soon to post. Kate just LOVES her siblings! She will smile and talk to them whenever she thinks they are looking at her. It just melts my heart to see all that love in a babies eyes for her brothers and sisters. She is learning to grab more. She reaches her arms out to me. She is always bouncing on my lap. She sucks her thumb when she is upset that I won't pick her up. She is always wet from her chin to her belly button. She is growing out of her 3-6 months clothes! I am so sad about this! Some of these clothes she has only worn once and some of the warmer stuff she hasn't worn at all. I'm just glad that there are people in my ward that need baby girl clothes. She loves to blow raspberries. She has started to rub her eyes when she's tired. She has been in her crib for two weeks now. *Me sobbing* Her eyes are still changing colors, we don't know what color they will be. I'm hoping hazel. I love her so much! She has completed our family and I don't know what I'd do without her.


Kathryn said...

Babies are so cute when they're learning new things. Kate's definitely is one of the cutest e-v-e-r! I love you all!

Bonnie said...

I can't believe she is already rolling over and over. She is so cute and I can't wait to hear her laugh:)

Randie said...

She is so adorable. Hearing about you growing so fast make me want to slow down time even more. Well after I have Whyatt... I don't want to be pregnant anymore, but I want all the time in the world with him as a baby. Not as a growing baby

Becky Gockley said...

What a great post. You are such a great mom! I want to be more like you! I am so amazed at all Kate is doing? She is doing some things that my 11 month old isn't doing yet! Thanks for the update.