Saturday, February 5, 2011


Tucker's birthday is coming up next week and we had asked him what he wanted to do. I really tried to talk him into a friend party this year because I found the fun-est new site that has amazing ideas for parties. But he just wanted to go out as a family. Not going to knock that either. The original plan was to go to Pirate Island in Provo but I guess he was talking to so people at school that said it was totally un-cool. Of course he doesn't tell us this til we are in the car going there. So he made a drastic change and bowling was chosen instead. So glad! We had so much fun and now Nate wants to get together a bowling team for a hobby.

Tucker did amazing and bowled without the ramp for the whole game. Thadd made it through half the game without it and Norma was so funny about aiming it. Kate did really well for having been in the car all day running errands and not having a nap at all. We put her in the stroller and walked her around a lot.

Tucker bowling like a pro!

Thadd doing the frog! Love this picture!

Norma aiming the ramp. And can't go anywhere with out the baby butt crack. :0)

It was a very fun night. I just love my family! They are the best!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

What a fun time with the family! It's so neat that Tucker would rather with the family to celebrate his b-day.