Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sick house

Okay. You may think I am whining and I might be just a bit, but we have had a very sick house this week. It all started Monday night with Thadd complaining of a stomach ache and Norma with a sore throat. By the next morning, they both had fevers and had been up most of the night, keeping Kate up with them. She has been teething and not sleeping anyways. I had a meeting Tuesday night and my Mom and Winni came out to help me with the kids. (Nate had class that night.) Mom ended up texting me in the middle of my meeting saying Thadd's fever was worse and could she give him a half of a Tylenol. Of all things to run out of when your kids are sick is pain reliever. I had to text Nate to pick up more on his way home. Thadd ended up missing 2 days of school because his fever and tummy ache. Now Norma on the other hand. Her throat felt better but she had been up screaming for 2 nights about her ear hurting. It would feel better by the next morning but around bed time she would start up again. Because she would feel better in the morning I didn't think about taking her to the doctor til Thursday when she told me she was pulling stuff out of her ear. She let me look in it and it was so full of puss and so swollen, that I got her into the doctor that night. Her ear drum had burst and was draining all over the place. I was going to take a picture but I decided to not gross you all out. It's amazing what a little medicene from the doctor will do. Wish she could have gotten something for the pain though because she was still up screaming on Thursday night. Friday was so much better. Norma even woke up and said how nice it was for her ear not to be hurting anymore. It was very nice to get somewhat of a full nights sleep, (Kate is still waking up with her teeth) last night for the first time in a week. I know that is nothing to complain about but it was really bad for us.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I'm so sorry that there was more sickness that I knew about. I'm glad that you're all doing better - except the new teeth.