Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Day Has Come

Thad is now a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and couldn't be happier about it.  He was really nervous all week. When I asked him why he told me that he was glad that Papa wasn't baptizing him because he told him he would hold him under the water til the bubbles quit.  Thanks Papa.  :0)  I told him that Papa had baptized me and hadn't held me under.  He was still nervous.  I asked him if he really thought his dad would do that to him and he agreed with me that he wouldn't do that.

The morning went really well.  We got the house last minute tidied and ready to go all by 8:30.  Since we had a bit of time I really wanted to take some pictures of the kids all dressed up.  This is how it went.

I started out having them sit on the couch.  It didn't look right and Tucker really likes making this face when I take his picture lately.
So then I had them stand up.  Katy didn't want to.  We had no idea that these new shoes that we found for her to wear had already given her a huge sore on the side of her foot and that is why she was so sad.

This one would have been okay but Thad...
Guess he wanted to be sad with Katy.  This next one I love of Norma and might end up cropping it to be just her.
Another good one of Norma and the boys are not to bad...  Eva wanted to see what was wrong with Katy.

Eva was really worried that Katy was crying.  Isn't she cute. :0)
We gave up on taking pictures and just headed out.

Here is my boys in their whites. :0)

The baptism went really well.  Thad did great and he was very happy with all the friends and family that came to see him and support him on this special, special day.  He was baptized with another boy from the ward and Tucker was able to give the talk on Baptism and the Holy Ghost.  He did so well!  We had found a talk out of a book and we just had to remind him to talk slower.  I was really proud of him.  He bore his testimony and that right there is what makes a Mom's heart melt.  Hearing my son and his love for his Heavenly Father and his brother.

My house is way to small for a gathering like this without being able to go out doors.  It was raining and wet and so we had a VERY full house.  I love it!  I love having family and friends over and sharing this special day with us.  There was very little shoving and just a bit of spilled home-made rootbeer.  ;0)

I wanted a good picture of Thad and Nate afterwards and I love Nate's smile.  The other ones are really good of Thad but I'm not sure what Nate is looking at in those ones.  I'll have to crop those ones.

 It was a wonderful day!  It was good food, fun and family.  I'm so happy with the choice that Thad made on this day and I am such a lucky mom to have such amazing children.

 I had to throw in this one of Tucker on his picture day.  I think we might do retakes.


Kathryn said...

It was a beautiful day! I'm so happy for Thad.

I love being with you and your family!

Becky Gockley said...

What a wonderful Baptism! It was so fun to be there and be apart of it all! Congrats to you Thad we are so happy for you! It was fun to be together!

Amy Conklin said...

Congratulations to Thad! We are so sorry we missed - all of it! : ) We were there in spirit! You are a wonderful family and love you very much!