Saturday, April 28, 2012

Camping? No. Okay

We have been trying to go camping for a while now.  Every time Nate has taken time off so that we can go, the weather is bad.  Nate was only going to have these two days off and we wanted to go camping.  Stupid rain.  So we did the next best thing.  We kept the kids out of school for a day of family fun. :0)

We started off with going to get them all hair cuts.  Nate and I had won a free hair cut each at the Jazz game so we only had to pay for one.  (I'm not ready to cut off Katy's curls.)

Look how much we took off of Norma's hair!  Over 6 inches!  It is so nice!  She doesn't scream when she brushes her hair anymore.

 Thad loved that he could make a mow hawk with his hair now.  Silly boy.
 Tucker is so handsome!  Just like his Daddy. :0)
We then headed to lunch and a movie.  The Band of Misfit Pirates.  To our enjoyment, Katy sat and watched the whole thing without getting down once.  And being one of two families that were in the theater, didn't hurt.

It was wonderful spending the day together as a family and not having to worry about time.  I love spending time with my family!


Bonnie said...

They look great, so grown up:)

Becky Gockley said...

Wow they look great! So cute! Norma looks so cute!

Kathryn said...

Beautiful children!