Sunday, April 15, 2012

Katy's 2 year Check Up

I know that I have taken her a month late but honestly, I was in denial about her turning 2.  She is my baby and I want her to stay a baby.  But, She is 2 and I don't want her behind on shots.

She weighs 23 lbs and 4 oz 10%
She is 35 inches tall 75%
Her head is 49.5 cm 90%

She is staying on a good curve.  She started crying when I had to undress her.  She did not want the nurse touching her to measure her head or lay down to found out how tall she is.  I thought ahead and brought her blanket with us so that helped a ton.  She got to stand on the big girl scale and that helped her feel better.  When the doctor came in she didn't cry at all.  We had taken Tucker with us for a check up and she was very interested in watching the doctor listen to his heart and lungs.  When it came her turn she let him look in her ears but when he laid her down to feel her tummy she was having none of that.  He made her stand up to look at her back too and she didn't like him touching her.

She calmed down easy but then the nurse walked in with her shot.  She only had one but she knew what it was and was not happy about it.  She broke the nurses heart though because as we were walking out she was holding her leg and giving the nurse crustys.  :0)  The nurse did point out that she won't need shots til her kindergarten ones now though so maybe for her 3 year check up the nurse can get back on her good side. ;0)


Becky Gockley said...

She is growing up so fast! I love that she glared at the nurse! That is soooo dang funny! Way to go Kate!

Kathryn said...

Too bad watching Tucker get checked by the Dr. didn't help with everything that he (and the nurse) did with Katy. I'm glad that some of it helped her. And yes, she's is so cute. But I have to say that all your children are so cute, good, and loveable in their own way.

Bonnie said...

Shots are no fun:(