Saturday, June 16, 2012

Park City Getaway

I am again camera-less.  :0(  You have no idea how hard this is for me. 

Nate and I were able to get away for a night up to Park City.  Every year the UHPA has a banquet and the hotel where they host it offers the Troopers a discount on a hotel room.  With it being in Park City and it having been awhile since Nate and I have had a getaway, we got a room.  We dropped the kids off and Grandpa and Nana's house and heading up.  It was a wonderful drive and so nice to just be the two of us.

Dinner was amazing and the friends are even better.  We have some really good friends with UHP and we just love spending time with them and goofing off. 

The next day we spent at the Outlets.  It is kind of fun going shopping with my hunny.  Kind of.  I think I would have spent a lot more time looking around and spending a bit more money with my Mom but I do like going with Nate.  He is a picky shopper though.  Took forever for him to decide on a new watch. :0)

A very much needed night away with my hunny makes me a much happier Mom.

1 comment:

Brian and Tonya said...

Ooooh, nights in Park City are the best. Now that Eric's getting a bit older it might be time for Brian and I to attempts a getaway, just the two of us.