Saturday, February 9, 2013

5th Grade Party

Tucker wanted to have some friends over for his birthday.  He asked for pizza, cake and games.  I am not the cake decorator that my mom is, but I do have the next best things.  Grandma Thomas' 7 minute frosting recipe.  Heaven on cake!

These are just some of the games that Tucker had to choose from.  Our family favorites. :0)
When when only 2 of the 4 were there, they didn't want to play a big game til everyone showed up so UNO won out.
When everyone came, Killer Bunnies had a chance.  Shot down quickly when it turned out to be to hard to teach 4 new people at the same time.  UNO Major was the fall back.

Cake and presents and then a ride home.
My boy is so big!  It has been really hard leaving all of his friends from his ALL class.  He is doing well, but sometimes misses having the kids think like he does.

Love you Tucker!  Happy Birthday!


Becky Gockley said...

Looks like a fun party. Happy Birthday Tucker!

Kathryn said...

So glad that there are friends though they may not relate to Tucker's level. I'm sure they had fun.

Kathryn said...

Yes, we love that frosting!