Friday, October 8, 2010


I wanted to write about the boys' SEP's. They are both doing so well! Tucker is doing well in his reading. He is reading in an above 4th grade level but he doesn't like to branch out from what he likes to read. I only likes to read funny books and nothing else. I have bribed him to read Harry Potter. Of course his math skills are above and beyond anything. He has passed the 4th grade math in just the first two months of school. His teacher wrote on this paper, "Tucker is awesome! He is a hard worker and a great example to everyone. He always has a positive attitude." He was asked to write a note to his mom and dad and this is what we got:Now, in my defense, I know that homework is only suppose to be half an hour. He knows that I know. This comes from him not finishing his story on time, it was 2 days late! I told him he needed to work on it til it was done because it was already late. This was his second assignment that he had not finished on time. And I was in the right making him do it longer. His teacher said.

Thadd is doing amazing! He is also doing amazing in math. He passed his pre-test with 100% and they only expect 40% for the first of the year. He is on track with his reading, spelling and his writing is out of this world! He loves to write! He will write in his notebook on his free time and make up stories. The paper that his teacher's showed us he had written so much that it went onto the back of the page. He just loves to write. We asked about his tan-trums and they looked at us and said, he has tan-trums? That made me feel so good! To know that he is doing so well with that at school. So then I worried that he was being to shy and they said no, he always has his hand in the air and loves to volunteer. There were just two things he needs to work on. His speech, which he was tested for and because the state is so hard to get speech kids excepted, he is on the boarder line and didn't make it. So we need to be practicing at home. The only other thing is making friends, and he is working on that. He is just so shy.

I am so proud of my boys. They love school and do so well. I hope that this can be a life-long love. I know that it won't but I can always hope. :)


Brian and Tonya said...

Great job to your boys for doing well in school. You are a great parent and that is so beneficial for them. I love that letter about the homework. So cute.

Kathryn said...

What great things to read about the boys! I love the note with the interesting picture. They're a wonder!

Becky Gockley said...

Wow! What smart kids! They are doing so good! I love the note-that is hilarious.