Monday, October 25, 2010

Trunk or Treating

We were able to go to my parents Trunk or Treat this year. They had to have it a week early and it has really messed with us. I want to be taking down the Halloween things and listen to Christmas music. :)

Here are the kids in their costumes.

Tucker is Link from the video game, Zelda. I tried so hard to talk him out of this choice. I asked him if he really wanted to wear a dress. He did. My Mom had this pattern for a Robin Hood costume that I made for him. Nate spent hours making the shield. He got the leaflet from out of the game and made it to look like the one that Link carries. Tucker LOVES it! He walks around with the sword and shield all the time, fighting bad guys.

Thadd is Dry Bones from the video game Mario Bros. It is a skeleton dinosaur and so we just did this as a skeleton. He loves it. I was very pleased with my artist job for his face and he thought so too.

I thought he was holding his hands so we could see it in the picture, nope, they were wet and he didn't want them touching anything. :)

Norma has gone through a few things she wanted to be. She started out wanting to be a ballerina. I can do that. I was going to make her a tutu and get her some slippers. Well, we had to run to Target for something and she saw this witch costume. She immediately changed her mind to a witch and since it was only $7, I told her a witch was great!

Kate is a kitty cat! Nate bought her is costume at Costco months ago. He wanted to get a 3-6 month size and it took a lot of convincing to get him to get the 6-9 month one. We should have gotten a 12 month. She is cute in it though and for once in her little life, she can wear it.

Here is the picture I took of Tucker on his picture day. We didn't get school pictures this year so I took this on my own. It took a little work to get him not to make faces at me. Thadd was sick the day of his school pictures so when he has his re-takes I'll put one up of him and take one of the girls that day too.
This picture was just too cute not to put up. My Mom and Dad found these shirts for the girls, a pirate one and a cowgirl one. My brother was giving me a hard time about Kate's head band, or brain squisher as he calls them, so I put this one her. I just love it! It's the background screen on my phone. :)


Tammi said...

Props to you for letting Tucker be Link. I have never heard of him, but what confidence it brings to a little person when their parents let them make decisions and choices. Good for you! Love the costumes and hope it is warmer there than here!

Becky Gockley said...

Very cute! Everyone looks so good! You did a great job on all four of them. Good finds and great artist work by Nate. That is impressive. Looks like you are all ready to Trick or Treat!

Kathryn said...

What great costumes and beautiful children!

Kathryn said...

Oh, and talented husband. He never ceases to be amazing!