Sunday, October 31, 2010

HAppY HaLLowEEn!

Happy Halloween! We had a lot of fun last night Trick-or-Treating. It was pouring and the wind was so bad! My Mom came to sit at the house with the baby because Nate was suppose to go to work at 5. It worked out that he didn't need to go in til later and I'm so glad that he got to go with us.

Right after 5, Tucker's friend Emma came to the door, our first trick-or-treater, and asked if Tucker wanted to go around the neighborhood with her and her big sister. They were both standing there soaking wet and freezing! Tucker wanted to go with them so he bundled up and out the door they went. (Side note: Tucker was Link for Halloween, Emma went as Zelda. HeHeHe!)

Nate and I got the other to ready and went out in the storm. We broke 2 umbrella in the wind and were so wet by the time that we just made it down our street and back, that we ended up coming back and putting some more clothes on and going out again.

Norma was so funny. She loved running from door to door, yelling "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" She was so cold but she loved it! Thad would have had more fun going with Tucker but did really good going with his little sister. They waited at the door til the other got there and they took turns knocking. We really made a hall on the upper neighborhood. When we got to the lower part, their buckets were so full that they couldn't carry them. It was starting to rain really hard again so we just walked home, not bothering to stop at any other house.

I was getting worried because we hadn't seen Tucker while we were out and he wasn't home yet by the time that we came home. He made it home soon after with just as much candy as the other two.

Nate headed out to work and Thad and Norma helped me hand out candy while I feed Kate her dinner. I told them to be very careful about only giving one piece of candy out. I was worried that we would run out. Not ten minutes later, they came in telling me we were out. What? I asked if they just gave one a piece out. Thad said, "I did, but they all had two bags."

Hope everyone is coming down from their own sugar high, I'm afraid it will be days before my kids do. Happy Halloween! Now on to Thanksgiving and then, Christmas! I love the holidays!


Becky Gockley said...

Sounds like a wet night. Our night was similar. It wasn't raining too bad but just a sprinkle. It was FREEZING though. We made it through and ended up driving for the last part. What a crazy Halloween night!

Bonnie said...

I LOVE the holidays too! Glad you all had fun and made it through the storm.

Kathryn said...

I guess the children wouldn't have wanted to give up any of their candy for trick or treaters!?