Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and haven't broken all of their toys yet. Just one of ours is. It got stepped on. :)
We have had a great week. Winni came and spent most of the week with us since Nate has been working nights. She helped me make all kinds of goodies and helped the kids blow off some steam on Christmas Eve morning. I can't explain why they get so crazy on Christmas Eve but they sure got out of control quick. I have also decided that I would much rather have Nate work on Christmas Day than on Christmas Eve. It was the longest night of my life and emotional on top of that. When he worked on Christmas Day last year, we just got up when he was suppose to go into work and we got to open presents with him here and just had a good morning. He had to be listening to the radio but other than that he didn't have to go on the road til after we were done and just playing with our gifts. Not having him around at all on Christmas Eve was terrible. He was able to come and eat dinner and so we opened the kids Christmas Eve presents with him before he had to go back.
Kate got Fruit Loops for part of her dinner and if you look close, you can see that Walle got some too. I was planning on her wearing her onesie under her jammies but they ended up being very colorful after dinner instead.

I've been waiting to put bows on Kate's head while opening gifts and it didn't even faze her. She wasn't interested in opening presents at all either. She wanted to know what was so great about what her siblings were opening instead of opening her own. Even with starting to open hers first, she still thought theirs were better.

I had made the kids jammies this year and was so excited to see them wear them. Normas was a little big around the neck but she loved them. She thought they were karate clothes and jumped around making hacking noises most of the night. The boys are in the background hugging each other because they matched. And Kate...

crawled out of her jammies. I was so excited because just a few days ago I found a pattern for little slippers and I made some out of the leftover material for Kate. They fit really well and only came off when she pulled them off.
Here are the three big kids. Thadd is into making faces whenever the camera comes out lately. I'm really hating it. So these next few pictures there are some that are good of half the kids and not so good of the other half. Kate wants to move to much to sit still for any kind of picture lately either.
K, so I totally cropped this one because it was just so cute of the two of them!
We watched Polar Express on the "big screen", (the projection screen) at Nana and Papa's and then headed home in the fog around 10pm. Now if anyone knows me, they know that I can't drive well during the day and not well at all in the dark, so the fog... well we made it home so that is all that matters right? The kids laid right down for me and I got to set out the cookies and milk for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. Nate came home at 1am and we got to bed around 1:30ish. I was worried about the kids getting down stairs before us since they were all to tired to get instructions when we came home about the morning so Nate put some garbage bags down in the hall so that we would hear them step on them when they woke up. Sound familiar Heather? :) So when I heard the bags I smacked Nate telling him to get up because the kids were up. Then I looked at the clock. 2:23am!!! What the...!!! I have to say that I wasn't the happiest when I went down the stairs and told the boys none to nicely to get their butts back into bed and what were they thinking waking up at 2:30 in the morning. Back to bed we all went and around 7 is when I heard the bags again. We laid up in bed for about half an hour before the boys woke up Norma and Norma came and woke us up. I think next year we will be putting up the baby gate on the stairs.
It was a nice Christmas at out house with the kids getting more toys than they did last year and not as many video games either. I wish I had taken a picture of our living room. There was no where to walk or sit for two day with toys everywhere. Poor Kate couldn't get down and play with all the new things because they were all too little for a baby that puts everything in her mouth. Her favorite gift was some blankets that I made her. She just sat on my lap and sucked her thumb most of the day.
We were excited that Devin came over for lunch and we watched our one and only movie we got. Thanks John and Celest! We also got to talk to Grandpa and Nana from Mongolia! The kids loved seeing their blog this week with Grandpa dressed up like Santa. They sure miss them. We ended the day back at my parents and watched another movie on the big screen. My kids just love it!
Some of my favorite gifts this year was that John ended up coming down from Wyoming. He was just going to be down to see Celest in Logan on Christmas day and I was really sad about him not being there with us for Christmas and he surprised us all by coming all the way down. Celest had come to spend the day with us and I'm so very glad that she did. I couldn't be happier about having her in our family!
My other favorite was having Kate fall asleep in my arms. She doesn't do that any more and I have really missed it so it was so nice to have her sleep in my arms for the movie on Christmas Eve. She is so precious.
Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope your New Year's is good too!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Great pictures! I love to read your blog Bobbi and I love you too!