Friday, December 10, 2010

Thadd's 1st Grade Christmas Program

Thadd's Christmas program was on Wednesday night. I am a little peeved about the whole thing but won't go into it. Let's just say I'm not happy with his school at the moment. Anyways, it started at 6 so we showed up at 5:30 thinking that we could get near the front. He had told me that he was on the first row and I knew that if we didn't get to the front, we would not be able to see him. Well, it was so packed already, the only place to sit was in the back. I could not believe it! I saw some one from my ward in the middle front and asked her what time she had gotten there. She had been sitting there since 5!

So to the back we went. Tucker and Norma were really sad that they couldn't see Thadd and I was really sad that I forgot my camera. This picture is from Nate's phone. Sorry it's so small and blurry. I tried to edit it and that made it worse. :)

Kathryn was able to make it and she took Tuck and Norma up to the front to sit on the floor in front of everyone. I'm so glad. I was just going to have them stand on their chairs. ;)

Thadd did amazing! I was so proud of him! He did all the actions and even when the kid next time him kept standing in front of him, ( that always happens to him) he didn't throw a fit but waiting til the first song was over and asked him to move over. He has been so excited for this program and it was wonderful to see him participate and enjoy it so much. The teachers had taken pictures of all the kids to do a slide show with and we were happy to see Thadd got on there twice! I asked him how he managed to do that and he said that someone had missed the day they had taken the pictures and he was the first to raise his hand to be in the picture with her. I love that kid!

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