Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nana or the Toothfairy

While we were in Utah county last weekend, Norma lost another tooth.  This girl hasn't had a full mouth of teeth in over a year!

My mother offered her double what the tooth fairy would bring her.  That is what Grandpa Thomas always did for us when we were growing up.  2 bucks was a good deal for Norma so she agreed.  Then, not knowing what to do with the tooth, she put it under Nana's pillow and when she went to go get it to show me the next day, there was another dollar there instead.

I think someone lucked out loosing a tooth at Nana's house.

With her money burning a hole in her pocket, I finally took her to Family Dollar and she found these earrings to get with her money.

Thanks Tooth fairy/Nana. :0)


Bonnie said...

LOVE the look on her face! She knows she looks good:)

Becky Gockley said...

That is so cute! She made out big time with that tooth!