Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

We are so lucky to have friends that are willing to drive all the way from Fairview to spend time with us and help us finish moving the big things over to the new house.  Jered and Stephanie came with all their kids and spent time with us. 

I love that we try and spend New Year's Eve together.  We have so much fun playing all night long and yelling at midnight.  Norma loves Madie to pieces and loves that she came to play with her.

Katy and James finally found something to do together on the ipad and spent most of their time here on the couch.

Thank you for making us feel special and for coming to help and just spend time with us. We miss having so many friends closer by to spend time with and do fun things with.  I really hope we can make it on a camping trip with the Taylors this year.  It's just not camping without the Taylors.


Becky Gockley said...

Looks like you had a fun New Year's! So you guys moved??? I didn't know!

Kathryn said...

That's so nice for them to come all that way to be with you. What a happy time and memory for you!