Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting the Pool Out

So we finally got the little pool out for the kids.  Tucker, who is not a water fan, did really well and got in and got his swimsuit wet.  Then had to find a place to lay out and dry off.

Norma is my fish.  She loves the water!  She would be out in the pool all day, every day if I let her.

Thadd loved that I found some goggles and loved putting his face down in the water.

Norma and Thadd liked laying out.  I guess we need to get them some sun glasses.

Then Kate woke up.  She wasn't so sure.
"Whatcha doin'?"

"I think I want to play in that water."

"Nope, I don't want to play in this water."

"Well, maybe I want to play if Norma is playing in there."

"I might like this."

 She would lean down and splash and then stand up and look at me.  Then lean down and splash again and stand up quick and look at me.  Then she started splashing with her toys.  Then she started splashing her sister.  

I had to have Thadd stand behind me and talk to her to just get her to look at the camera and this is as close to a smile as I could get. 

At the end of the day, the pool was a hit.  Norma went out twice more and Kate kept bring me her swimsuit to put back on her.


Bonnie said...

Looks like fun, you kids are always so happy:)

Kathryn said...

You may have another fish! I love the pics and the story.