Tuesday, June 21, 2011

She let me do this!

So Katy let me do her hair today!  Okay, not so much as let me as me bribing her with my watch and phone to sit still while I did her hair.  Which is much more that Norma will ever let me do to hers.  I was so excited to try this.  I wanted to see more of her face and not just her hair.

Isn't it cute!  She hardly fussed really.  She didn't like me putting in the piggys but other than that she was awesome.

She is only crying because I got out the camera and she hates me taking pictures of her.  I can't ever get a smile anymore.  See that scowl.  That's what I get.

At least I finally got one with her looking at me.  I can't even get those often any more.

 Silly girl, but a very cute girl.


Kathryn said...

You must have had a quick finger at the right moment to get the picture of her looking at you. Cute hair!


Too cute. Bribing is the way to go, that is what I have to do when I am doing Taegyn's hair most of the time.